Monday, September 21, 2015

My Favorite Foods

                                                             My Favorite Foods

My number one favorite food is lasagna. I love the tomato sauce, cheese and pasta.

2. My next favorite food is pizza. I love the cheese. As you can see I really like things with tomato sauce and cheese.

3. I love chicken soup. If you want something delicious but healthy chicken soup is what you need.
chicken soup has chicken, carrots, celery and other great things.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Mozzarella Balls

                                                                  Mozzarella Balls (Bocconcini)

I believe that my aunt puts the best seasonings on Mozzarella Balls. I also believe that they are better than the Formaggio brand from Costco. I'm not saying Costco's are bad, in fact it's quite good, I'm just saying I like my aunt's better. I like my aunt's better because they are seasoned with extra virgin olive oil, fresh garlic and fresh basil. Costco's uses canola oil, olive oil, fresh parsley, and crushed red pepper. I think the parsley effects the taste.