Friday, October 30, 2015

My favorite Deserts

                                                                          My Favorite Deserts

  • My#1 favorite desert is Yodels. I love the chocolatey cake stuff inside and I really like the cream inside
  • My#2 favorite desert is cake. I love the chocolate cream inside the cake and chocolate
  • My#3 favorite desert is Ice cream. I love the coldness and the taste.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Yellow and green kiwi

                                                           "Yellow and green kiwi"   

       Tonight I had a yellow and a green kiwi. I noticed that the yellow ones had less seeds than the green ones. The yellow kiwi's were good but the green ones had more taste. I like the green ones more than the yellow ones. Before you peel the yellow kiwi, it looks almost hairless. The green kiwi's have much more hair on them. If you want to purchase kiwi's I recommend green kiwi's.