Saturday, October 28, 2017

Cooking Camp

Cooking Camp

Over the summer I went to a cooking camp. We learned all sorts of things like how to cut certain vegetables, how to sharpen knives, and all about eggs! I went to a place called Natirar and they have a huge garden with flowers, vegetables, and even animals! We went into the chicken coupe to get fresh eggs and they were still warm! We made omelets with bacon and cheese inside and tons of other things. My favorite part was making the fresh pasta. We actually had to make the pasta by slowly putting it into the pasta maker. It is a great experience to make pasta home made! You should definitely think about getting one, you will have no regrets. My second favorite think to make were salted chocolate chip cookies. They were by far the best cookies I had ever made!! We made so many delicious things!!

Hope you enjoyed this!