Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving Desserts

                                           Thanksgiving Desserts

For our desserts we had pumpkin pie, cheesecake, apple crisp, and chocolates. I love the cheese cake because it is very delicious and creamy. The pumpkin pie was good because... well I don't know, I just like it a lot. The apple crisp was good because I like the crispy topping, the sweet apples, and how they are all mixed together. YUMMY!! I loved our Thanksgiving desserts.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving's here!! Tonight I ate the best dinner I've had in a long time. The foods I ate were turkey, gravy, green bean casserole, jellied cranberry sauce (two kinds--sliced and smashed), rice pilaf, sweet potatoes, and salad. The turkey with gravy was THE best! I like how the gravy changes the dryness and taste of the turkey. Now, I do not like rice. So, my grandma told me to put gravy on it and you'll like it. I didn't believe her. I tried it and it was delicious. Green bean casserole is green beans, melted cheese, mushrooms, water chestnuts, and some secret sauces, topped with French fried onion rings. I liked the green bean casserole a lot.

Happy Thanksgiving!!     Stay tuned for later posts on dessert!    

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Ring Dings!!

                                                                          Ring Dings!!

Today at school I showed my blog to everyone in the class, and they all liked it.   My friend Bryce liked it as well so at lunch he asked me if I could put him in my blog, and I said sure. Anyways speaking about lunch... I had a ring ding and Bryce was sitting next to me because I always sit next to him at lunch. I ate my peanut butter and jelly sandwich, then my carrots, and then I ate my ring ding. I love the 2 layers of chocolate and the cream, oh how I love the cream. The ring ding was DELICIOUS!! I like the way they mix those ingredients together. I noticed that Ring Ding's, Devil Dogs, and Yodels are exactly the same , but Devil Dogs do not have the chocolate on the outside. They are all so delicious.

       I dedicate this to my friend Bryce because he wanted to be in one of my posts and now he is.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Chicken Soup

                                                                       Chicken Soup

Today at school a boy in my class did not believe me when I told him that I had a blog. I hope he believes me when I show this to him.
On Sunday November 22 my family and I made chicken soup. I washed all the vegetables except the bok choy... my brother did that. All of it went in the soup. The soup was delicious. We put in carrots, celery, chicken, turnip, parsnip, bok choy, onions, and parsley. I recommend making chicken soup some time and enter your world to deliciousness.

Friday, October 30, 2015

My favorite Deserts

                                                                          My Favorite Deserts

  • My#1 favorite desert is Yodels. I love the chocolatey cake stuff inside and I really like the cream inside
  • My#2 favorite desert is cake. I love the chocolate cream inside the cake and chocolate
  • My#3 favorite desert is Ice cream. I love the coldness and the taste.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Yellow and green kiwi

                                                           "Yellow and green kiwi"   

       Tonight I had a yellow and a green kiwi. I noticed that the yellow ones had less seeds than the green ones. The yellow kiwi's were good but the green ones had more taste. I like the green ones more than the yellow ones. Before you peel the yellow kiwi, it looks almost hairless. The green kiwi's have much more hair on them. If you want to purchase kiwi's I recommend green kiwi's.

Monday, September 21, 2015

My Favorite Foods

                                                             My Favorite Foods

My number one favorite food is lasagna. I love the tomato sauce, cheese and pasta.

2. My next favorite food is pizza. I love the cheese. As you can see I really like things with tomato sauce and cheese.

3. I love chicken soup. If you want something delicious but healthy chicken soup is what you need.
chicken soup has chicken, carrots, celery and other great things.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Mozzarella Balls

                                                                  Mozzarella Balls (Bocconcini)

I believe that my aunt puts the best seasonings on Mozzarella Balls. I also believe that they are better than the Formaggio brand from Costco. I'm not saying Costco's are bad, in fact it's quite good, I'm just saying I like my aunt's better. I like my aunt's better because they are seasoned with extra virgin olive oil, fresh garlic and fresh basil. Costco's uses canola oil, olive oil, fresh parsley, and crushed red pepper. I think the parsley effects the taste.